Elevating Our NRF Connection: Insights and Opportunities Await!

It was a pleasure meeting so many of you at NRF.  We enjoyed seeing the technologies and applications showcased, where the discussions on automatic identification technology were both insightful and engaging. We wanted to take this opportunity to follow up and share the immense value of participating in AIM initiatives, especially for both our current and prospective members engaged in retail.

Take Part and Become a Larger Presence in the Industry:

As the global industry alliance championing concerns and solutions, breaking down market barriers, and promoting the adoption and growth of AIDC technologies; taking part in AIM will get your organization at the forefront of industry breakthroughs; especially in the retail sector. Our advocacy, educational initiatives, and standards development initiatives over the last 50 years has made us a recognized force in the global marketplace. AIM membership provides you with the opportunity to shape the retail industry’s direction, offering early access to technical research and a worldwide network of industry leaders. We empower you to be successful by enabling the adoption, growth, and interoperability of accurate and identifiable data that ensure compliance, operational efficiency and enhance the consumer experience.

Speaking Opportunities

Showcase your expertise through speaking opportunities on the AIM at leading industry events like RFID Journal LIVE! and PACK EXPO.  We are currently filling out our lineups for panels at RFID Journal LIVE! focusing on sustainability, anti-counterfeiting, food waste, RFID In sensors in the supply chain and innovations with RFID!

Pavilions at Industry Events

Throughout the year AIM takes part in pavilions at key industry events.  Typically these pavilions are an opportunity to get a discount on a booth and a presence to showcase your innovations to a wider audience.  AIM is currently accepting spots at RFID Journal LIVE!, LogiMat and PACK EXPO! 

Worldwide Industry Groups

We have several exciting volunteer opportunities in various work groups including Visibility Technologies Group, RFID Experts Group, and Technical Symbology Committee. We are happy to help you find something that meets your interests and serves your organization’s needs. Attached is our Committee Update for your review. The more members get involved, the more they get back, and I am sure you will find this to be true as well. 

Solutions Showcase

This biweekly promotional email showcases AIM member solutions and products and is distributed to more than 18,000 subscribers.  Don’t miss this opportunity to spotlight a demo video, press release, new product, case study or webinar announcement. 

Get Your News Out to the World

 These opportunities will give your company a feature on our newsletter distributed to thousands of subscribers worldwide!


Take Part in the Podcast/Webinar Series

Learn more about participating in the AIM Podcast or Webinar series!  These are EXCLUSIVE member benefits that let you discuss your compelling case studies or explain technology breakthroughs to those interested in the AIDC community