RFID Experts Group
The RFID Experts Group serves the industry by addressing standards and issues associated with the growth and demand of radio frequency identification (RFID) across all vertical markets such as retail, healthcare, distribution, transportation, logistics and supply chain.
Recent Highlights
• Creating a RFID-enabled sensors in a material handling setting whitepaper. The paper addresses sensors used for predictive or preventative maintenance along with product protection. The paper dives into how these types of sensors come together to create a more efficient supply chain.
• Revising the AIM Global RFID Guideline: RFID chips and transponders — Verification and qualification of design and manufacture Part 1: Tires (AIM REG 396). The goal of this project is to gain guidance from those in the industry for REG 396, making sure it remains a useful guideline to all in the automated data capture and tyre industries. With your support we believe this can be achieved.
• Updating the AIM Technical Guideline: Guidance On Data Content and Structure in Passive RFID Tags Version 1.1. The guideline attempts to
answer the questions that commonly arise in developing an RFID application.
• Updating RFID Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document. Document is reworked to address new concerns in the space.
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